Welcome to our 365 Project! A daily image for 365 days... comment & let us know who's keeping up. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 5

Tonight we enjoyed a 5 lb burger... it was too much to handle! Not only is the patty HUGE, but how do they make that MASSIVE bun?!


Nick, Lindsey, and Anniston Kennedy said...

That thing is a monster! Did you eat it all?!?!? If that was from Ed Walker's, I've heard they have a HUGE plate of fries to go along with it!

Clare said...

that's a ginormous hamburger! think of all the starving kids in 3rd world countries that could share that! poor kids.

NWA Beaty's said...

Wow! Looks really big to me. Hope you got full...