Welcome to our 365 Project! A daily image for 365 days... comment & let us know who's keeping up. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day 337

Our family in front of the tree.


NWA Beaty's said...

A sweet picture...One of our favorites. Love Rylie's pose...

Anonymous said...

Loved you christmas card, but this pic would be great.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you both! I have followed your blog almost all year...that's right, I'm not one to post comments. But know I have LOVED keeping up with your 365 project. You two have such an amazing imagination & eye for some beautiful pictures! I'm looking forward to whatever you have up your sleeve for next year! - Iva Gregory

Beaty Photography said...

Hi Iva!! Thanks for keeping up with our blog this year, and thank you for your kind words. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Sarah said...

What a sweet picture! LOVED your Christmas card! Merry Christmas to you three!!